2011년 12월 19일 월요일

Manifesto 2

평안보다 질주를
위안보다 질타를
순종보다 관철을
타협보다 갱신을

반성보다 괴성을!

2011년 12월 7일 수요일


눈속임 속에서도 모든것을 드러내는것

그것은 위장의 얼굴이라

2011년 12월 5일 월요일

2011년 11월 30일 수요일

추적의 계절

하루마다 쌓이는 순간들의 결말들을 보면 업이라는것도 그저 말일뿐이라는 생각과 함께 눈길 하나 내비치지 않았던 낙엽들 생각이 든다. 무수했던 계절들의 잔재들을 밟고 왔는데 아무 생각없이 그들을 지나치며 차디찬 바람을 만끽하던 그 시절, 그 어렸던 시절도, 어디론가 가버린것 같다.

결국 눈만 번뜩인다. 무언가를 기다리듯이.

이제 어느 계절이 내 그림자를 밟게 될까.

2011년 11월 27일 일요일

Topic of Interest - Gun Control

Topic of Interest:
Whether gun control has a significant influence on crime reduction

Why Is It Interesting?
The issue of gun control concerns various subjects such as the
role of the individual and the government in public security, the
political conflicts between interest groups pertaining to the firearms market,
the issue of finding an optimum model of public security for a
certain society, etc

1. Introduce the issue along with a context on which I will base my
observations and reasoning on
2. Explore the arguments and the reasoning of the proponents
3. Explore the arguments and the reasoning of the opponents
4. Choose a side and explain

Possible evidences for consideration
1. Statistics
3. Interviews

Current position:
For a broad and socially complex nation such as the US, simply banning all possession of firearms isn't the optimum approach. There is also a question on how the maintenance of public security should be defined and implemented. More will be explored in this essay.

2011년 11월 24일 목요일

Stream of Consciousness #1

A day passes with questions and doubts
But no certainty as to their worth.

One may suggest a state of unbalance
Between the personal and others
Yet fail to see
The fissure between the right and wrong (simplistic).

All would amount
To a hill so far.

Amiability and decency
Are two peculiar twins:
Same in a moment,
Opposite in another.

Quite observable, especially during intermissions.

Am I simply missing out too much?
A matter of days to spare?
A matter of prudence?
A matter of dare?
At the mercy of circumstances and optimism?

All that's serious lies inside
Like the occasional light
between the quiet clouds
Floating heavily above my head.

They say that it will rain tomorrow.

I sit near a window
With a shard of thought:
Too trivial to embrace, too serious to neglect

And another day gone.

Manifesto 1

I am a desperate soul on a war with reason.

To fight in moment

For a subversive sun.

May humor triumph.

Why Serious

진지함에는 어느정도의 거리감이 있어야한다

특히 자신으로부터

2011년 11월 23일 수요일

November 23rd

오늘은 연평도 사건 1주년이 되는 날입니다.

이런 비극이 되풀이하지 않기를 바라며 묵념.

2011년 11월 19일 토요일


길을 걷다

지나칠 뻔한

매실나무 한 그루.

무심코 손을 뻗어

생각없이 매만진

싱그러운 녹색.

내 눈동자는

그 어린 것을 굴리며

위를 본다.


하늘이 익어올 때

불어온 생각:

'바람은 없었구나.'

구름들이 서서히

머리 위에 떠나갈 때

나는 그것을 쥐고

다리를 웅크린체


말 없는 가지들 아래서.

뒹구르는 그것 옆에서.

2011년 11월 18일 금요일


하루가 선고되었을때

아침은 그저 벽 너머에서

지저귀는 그림자.

시계의 응시 아래서

태양은 궤도를 그을리며


이윽고 사라저버린 별들은

검푸른 회상 뒤에서

말없이 다닌다.

하루의 구름들은

그 타들어가는 바위를

위로 밀쳐올리고

솟아오르는 그림자를 맴도는

갸날픈 서풍은

낙엽을 언덕 아래로 보내고


계곡의 저편에서

모든것들을 지켜보던

나무 한그루는

언제나 그래왔듯이

가지들을 내리어

잎사귀들을 적신다.

잎 하나가 가라앉을 때

떠나가는 것은

그저 하나의 약속인건가.

2011년 11월 11일 금요일

Def #1

Criticism - not a diagnosis of delusion but a retention of recognition.

2011년 11월 9일 수요일

Essay Proposal

Topic of Interest
The Analysis of the Current Problems of the General Science Education of the US and the Implications on the Necessities for the Promotion of Scientific Workforce

Why It Deserves Interest
1. On the personal level, it is a significant topic as I am a science major and exploring this topic will allow me to look back on what it might truly mean to delve into a scientific career.
2. The development of a strong scientific and engineering workforce is crucial to a nation's competitive power in global competitions. As the US's leadership in science and engineering has been threatened by other rising nations, the problem brings up a significant question on what may be some crucial factors in maintaining national competitiveness of scientific research and engineering.

Organizational Style
-Cause and Effect (potential emphasis on cause)
-Comparison and Contrast (for sources)

External Sources
1) http://scienceprogress.org/2009/08/what%E2%80%99s-wrong-with-us-science-education/
2) http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2004/tc20040316_0601_tc166.htm
3) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/08/opinion/giving-up-on-math-and-science-careers.html?_r=1&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

Similarities and Differences (Sources)
All of the sources share the same concern that the scientific education of the US has a number of serious flaws. However, they differ in their level of approach to the problem (1 - on the level of what students actually go through with science education, 2 - on the policy and statistical level, 3 - regarding financial and career problems science majors go through). They also propose, suggest, or imply solutions with respect to their perspectives.

Similarities and Differences (Authors)
All of the authors share critical and serious tones of concern toward the current situation. However, the author of the first source appears to be less pessimistic (relatively) than the other two sources, which appear to show frustration on the limitations imposed by political, administrative, or financial factors.

2011년 11월 8일 화요일

Price of the Granted (Korean + edited)

너무 많은 지혜, 이상과 열정들의 내것만 같았지

허나 내맘이 조수들에 휘둘릴때

위태로운 정점에서 난 묻지.

이 모든 껍데기들은 그저 떠내려가기 위한것이었을까

폭풍우가 떠난 후

그저 남는건

하염없는 구름들과

허락되었던 계절속에 가라앉아버린

해초위에 누워버린 빛 한줄기.

문득 돌아보니

오후가 불길처럼 타들어가
어느새 날아가버렸기에
해질녘즘 계곡에 앉아
한 숨길 내쉬니
서늘하게 흘러오는것은
한 저녁별의 그림자라

2011년 10월 31일 월요일

The Price of the Granted

Too many wisdoms, ideals, and passions assumed as if they are mine

By the time tides slip in around my mind

An inquiry would rise on a tilting height:

Were all these shells mine to flood away?

After a storm had hit

All that would remain

Would be clouds and a glimpse of light

Lying on a silent shore

Like a seaweed drowned

During a season granted.

Objection #1

"The pen is mightier than the sword"


The pen is the sword.


Topic of Interest: On the Justification of Gaddafi's Death at the Hands of NTC

1. Why interested?
There are two motivations. Firstly, it is a small hobby of mine to read and contemplate about current events with a critical set of mind. Secondly, I am a citizen of a country/culture that has been divided for decades with the other side ruled by dictatorship. Considering the possibility of the end of such dictatorship and a need for a stable and righteous transition and distribution of power between the two sides, it may be a good idea to have an idea on how to tie the ends after the demise of a dictatorship.

2. Why worth writing?
The topic provides not only an opinion on the justification of simply terminating a dictator, but also a personal opportunity to contemplate on what would be the optimal means of power transition from dictatorship to democracy.

3. Method of approach
a. First, investigate the history of the dictatorship, the history of NTC's actions, and various reactions toward Gaddafi’s deathSecond, find out the reasons behind such reactions. The compare and contrast will focus on the reactions.
b. Third, classify them according to groups in order to ease analysis.
c. Fourth, compare and contrast the reaction groups to come up with an idea to talk about.
d. Five, present my opinions on the idea.
e. Six, evaluate my opinions.

4. Interest: similarities/difference?
Considering the seriousness of the issue, serious approach toward both may be needed.

5. Making it original
Since there can be countless approaches to the issue, the safest method to retain the originality of my view would be to have a certain and firm attitude toward the issue based on speculations that many may have not done. My essay will respect the causes, the endevour, and the feat of NTC while maintaining a critical viewpoint on their treatment and termination of Gaddafi.

6. Why the audience will read it
There are two factors that may help in catching the readers' interest. First, the death of the dictator is one of the most significant of today's events, which concerns many living in both free and oppressed nations in the sense that it concerns the transition from autocracy to democracy. Second, there is an implied moral question on whether atrocities committed on a tremendous scale can be adequately punished by simply having the responsible dead.

2011년 9월 5일 월요일


I am DooHyun (Richard) Sung, a KAIST student of Class 2014. Although I have not signed up for a major yet, it is quite certain that physics will be my choice as I love the intensity and challenges of the discipline. Apart from the details previously mentioned, I am one of the many working hard to pave their ways in the world.

I have lived abroad for a long time, even longer than the time I spent in South Korea. As a son of a diplomat, I was fortunate enough to set foot on, explore, and live in more than 5 countries in continents such as Asia, Africa, North America, and Europe. Quite naturally, I have also come to grow up with both English and Korean, adopting both as my native tongues. After completing my high school education, deciding that growing some roots in my native grounds might be a good idea, I have come to Korea for my undergraduate studies.

Apart from studies, I enjoy a variety of hobbies. As a literature enthusiast, I often delve into classics, mostly those of 19th to 20th century, to read about different insights and portrayals of human life. I am also a film enthusiast who collects and watches movies mostly produced prior to the 21st century although I have intensely enjoyed a handful of recent works such as No Country for Old Men. Listening to music is another huge part of my leisure and I generally listen to just about any genres as long as the artists have something inspiring to offer. Apart from just enjoying, I also participate in the school manga production club and the judo club. Overall, I try to expand my areas of interest, not just as a cultural consumer, but as someone looking for his own cultural identity.

To establish my status as a student in the course, here are my motivations behind signing up for the English Advanced Writing course. Firstly, from my experiences from high school involving essays and presentations, I have come to grasp the importance of writing. Just as many others, I have many things to say about the world and know that a well-written thought can make life-changing differences. Thus, I decided that polishing my writing once more might help. Finally, I have enjoyed playing with my thoughts by writing them down and revising them repeatedly as a form of self-analysis. As far as I know, writing is not just about accuracy and precision of expression: the word completes the thought and vice versa.

There is a saying that amateurs do it till they get it right and professionals do it till they get it wrong. Obviously, I have not the foggiest idea as to where I stand between the two poles of expertise, but the uncertainty will push me harder toward the domain of perfection. I hope words won’t fail me as much as I won’t fail them.